? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (2 Ratings)??5 Grabs Today. 4674 Total G
rabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Eternal Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (50 Ratings)??5 Grabs Today. 30485 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??G BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kita pergi Pantai Lutong!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


wow! it us!heheh...saye yg ambek gmbr nie....heheh...Keep in touch...design by me!!heheh..mmg bez bt0l time tu...wakwakwak!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Most Cockroaches Eaten

Ken Edwards
36 cockroaches
London, UK
March 5, 2001
Ken Edwards of Glossop, Derbyshire, England ate 36 cockroaches in one minute on the set of The Big Breakfast, London, England on March 5, 2001.
Ken is a retired ratcatcher and part-time entertainer who first took to the stage at age 18, but his talent for carrying out bizarre stage acts was unveiled on the British TV show Over The Top when he was 39. Ken's 47 rats-down-the-trouser trick caused such a stir that he became a celebrity overnight! His friends and family are now used to his freaky acts and Ken says, "If I were to actually do something normal then they would react!"
WANT TO KNOW MORE?When Ken munches on his cockroaches, he says "It's like having an anesthetic at the back of the throat." This is due to the scent they let off to ward off predators! Tasty!
CHECK THIS OUT...Cockroaches have lived unchanged for more than 320 million years. They are among the oldest fossil insects and are also among the most primitive living, winged insects. If a nuclear war broke out cockroaches would be the only living creatures to survive!
FIVE FASCINATING COCKROACH FACTS1. In Australia there is an annual Cockroach Racing Championship. The winning roach scoops a top prize of $500.2. A cockroach has at least 18 knees!3. It can live for a month without a head!4. Female cockroaches are larger than males because they produce and carry their eggs.

1000 things you must see before you die!

The Heart of Bali

Package-deal tourists to Bali seem happy to stay in the Fort Lauderdale–like area of Kuta or to cocoon themselves in Sanur's toney hotels, but it's in the countryside—where Bali is vibrant with the theater of dance, prayer, and mystery—that you'll really be able to absorb the island's magic. Here it is still possible to imagine that the October 2002 bombing— which shook Asia as the earlier September 11 attacks did America—never happened. Serendipity will lead you to the haunting rhythms of a practicing village gamelan orchestra, past a procession of lithe women carrying impossibly high baskets of fruit offerings on their heads to the local temple, to preparations for a celebration that turns out to be a cremation. Bali's people are gracious and beautiful, a mix of Malay, Polynesian, Indian, and Chinese, and believe they are the chosen guardians of the Pulau Dewata, the Island of the Gods, whose hilly terrain is peppered with temples (Ulu Danu, beside Lake Bratan, is the most picturesque) and punctuated by constant temple festivals. Locals will direct you to tonight's tooth-filling ritual or tomorrow's performance of the kecak monkey dance. Visit the mist-shrouded Mount Agung, at the island's heart, considered by the Balinese to be the navel of the world.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today GOD word!

Langit dan bumi akan berlalu, tetapi perkataan-Ku tidak akan berlalu." - Luk.21:33


Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. -Luke 21:33

Thursday, September 3, 2009


fuhyoooo!masa hari sabtu hari tu kami pamely pergi ke KELAB PETRONAS....aku sempat la snap2 gmbr adek2 yg sedang bermain...ehe...ini tgh dalam pjlanan

nie adalah adek cute aku...dia tgh maen taman....heheh


erm...inilah ku kuching thailand....ehe...kuching nie tak pandai membiak sebesar kuching yg lain-lain...mata dia warna biru...kuching ni jinak...selalu nya warna kuching ini putih..ataupun gray...kalau kuching nie bkhawin dengan kuching warna kuning/hitam....tp ank nya tetap mengikut warna ibu nya...PELIK TAPI BENAR...ehe....